
Wednesday 1 March 2023


The first phase of the restoration of the Mid Rhondda Athletic Ground is now well underway. The field has been fenced off and will eventually be brought back to a standard where games can be played on it safely. The path around the perimeter of the field is now ready for tarmac to be laid and benches will then be sited so people can sit, relax and enjoy the fantastic views.

Friends of the Mid are working with RCT and other agencies to create a 'heritage trail' around the perimeter. Boards will display information relating to the ground's unique and diverse history and QR codes will link to additional information people can access via their mobiles.

Suggestions have been put forward regarding the use of various sections of the field. For example, an outdoor classroom or an outdoor gym.

Going forward there are certain issues that need to be resolved particularly those concerning dog walkers. As a dog walker myself I would like to see some provision made for us. However, I accept that dogs cannot be allowed in the playing area once it is fit for purpose. As someone who has fought hard for several years to ensure the field remains in place for the community, it is extremely frustrating when people are not even prepared to bend down and pick up their dog's mess! 

We have achieved what we have achieved because of the tremendous support we received from the Mid-Rhondda community - even those who no longer live in the area, or even in Wales. It is vital we retain this support going forward. Friends of the Mid is set up as a mutual benefit society. We have a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and several directors. We now need more members. There is no fee to join, but members will be able to attend future meetings, make suggestions, and once a year propose and elect a new committee. Hopefully, the committee personnel will change over the years but remain committed to ensuring the Mid is there as a resource for the whole of the community.

To this end please join us by simply including your name and email in the form provided and we will enter you in the register. 

Thank you for the invaluable support you have given us. Please continue as we have discovered there is strength within the community when we stand together.